Release 0.12.3
Released on 2014-12-22 10:30 by mworrell.
Major changes are:
- Fix of the twerl git url in rebar.config.lock
- New z_stdlib, fixing issues with url metadata extraction
- Sanitization of oembed content
- Addition of Font Awesome 4
- Extended Zotonic logo font
The following commits were done
Arthur Clemens (20):
- admin: general layout fixes
- admin: use zotonic icons
- doc: update logo and link style
- fix gitignore
- mod_admin: remove unused files
- mod_admin: update with mod_base changes
- mod_artwork: add font awesome 4
- mod_artwork: add zotonic logos
- mod_artwork: rename logo folder to “zotonic”
- mod_base: allow other libs to import z.icons.less
- mod_base: bring back (predictable) circle icons
- mod_base: extend logo font to include general icons for Zotonic modules
- mod_base: make extra tag more compatible
- mod_base: replace some icons with FA versions, add button styles
- mod_base: simplify icon creation; add extending FA icons
- mod_base: update favicon
- Remove unused files
- zotonic_status: add less files
- zotonic_status: make responsive, update appearance
- zotonic_status: notification tweaks
Marc Worrell (8):
- core: add instagram js and urls to whitelist.
- core: lock new z_stdlib library. Fix twerl git url. Fixes #895
- mod_admin: always show media content, independent if size was defined.
- mod_oembed/mod_twitter: prefer our own ‘website’ extraction above oembed links. Pass the tweet url in the import_resource notification
- mod_oembed: add missing fallback _oembed_embeddable.tpl
- mod_oembed: sanitize received oembed code html and texts.
- mod_survey: fix problem where displaying the results did not work due to move sanitization functions.
- mod_twitter: fix import of tweets with special-html chars, was double escaped in title.