Release 0.23.0
Welcome to Zotonic 0.23.0, released on 5 December, 2016.
Main changes are:
- Added delete interval (and completely disabling deleting) to files stored on S3 (#1493).
- Added search rank weight configuration parameter (#1538).
- Added editing of embedded collections in admin (#1520).
- Added support for custom Google Analytics parameters (#1518).
- Fixed consistency of log messages and log metadata (#1510).
- Fixed ACL checks in admin (#1514).
- Fixed embedding not allowed for non-admins (#1545).
- Fixed initialization error in mod_acl_user_groups (#1505).
- Fixed initial tab on connect modal (#1497).
Commits since 0.22.0
There were since 22 commits since release 0.22.0.
Big thanks to all people contributing to Zotonic!
Git shortlog
- Arjan Scherpenisse (1):
- scripts: Add -noshell to sitetest command
- David de Boer (14):
- mod_filestore: Add delete interval (#1493)
- mod_acl_user_groups: Fix #1505 erroneous foreign key
- Add build deps to environment variable
- Prepare release 0.22.0 (#1503)
- mod_filestore: Upgrade version to add deleted column (#1506)
- admin: Switch position of translation and user menu (fix #1354)
- admin: Fix access checks (#1514)
- mod_seo: Support custom Analytics params (#1518)
- core: Improve log messages consistency (#1510)
- docker: Switch to Alpine PostgreSQL for smaller file size
- mod_menu: Fix menu and user groups not editable (#1531)
- mod_search: Quote search weight and document options
- mod_base: Validate resource name (#1504)
- mod_filestore: Fix an issue with setting deletion to ‘never’ (#1549)
- Fred Pook (3):
- admin: Don’t restrict initial tab for zmedia connect dialog (#1497)
- mod_search - Allow configuration of rank weight
- mod_editor_tinymce: translation for middle size changed to medium size (#1539)
- Marc Worrell (4):
- Close open db connections on a ‘too may connections’ error. (#1470)
- mod_admin: edit collection in block for embedded collections (#1520)
- core: fix a problem with sanitizing classes in html. (#1526)
- Fix a problem where a non-admin could not add embedded media. Fixes #1545