Release 0.43.0
Welcome to Zotonic 0.43.0, released on 19 December, 2018.
Main changes are:
- Allowed files in mod_acl_user_groups are now configurable
- Security fixes for reflected XSS in the admin and skel/blog/archives.tpl
- Hardened HTTP headers for securing Zotonic sessions and requests
- mod_twitter now uses polling for fetching tweets, stopped using deprecated streaming API
Security Advisory
If you have a blog site derived from the skel/blog then replace the archives.tpl file in your site with the one provided in priv/skel/blog/archives.tpl
If you include a page of your site inside a frame on another site, then set the allow_frame
option on the affected dispatch rule.
Commits since 0.42.0
David de Boer (1):
- docker: Build on Erlang 19.3 (#1950)
Maas-Maarten Zeeman (1):
- Support binary data over websockets. Fixes #1953
Marc Worrell (4):
- mod_editor_tinymce: fix a problem where zmedia stopped parsing if a non zmedia image was encountered.
- Fix a problem with reusing ids for tinymce editors.
- mod_twitter: stream api has been removed, add poller instead. (#1955)
- Make acceptable mime types configurable per user group (#1956)
Michel Rijnders (3):
- Remove unnecessary call to internal function (#1947)
- Exclude node_modules from the file watcher (#1948)
- Remove empty check (#1957)