Simple controller for connection tests, used on the /test/connection page.
Test if the given URL is a url for the current site.
is_site_url url url_abs sanitize_url is_letsencrypt_valid_hostname urlize escape_link urlencode urldecode parse_url…
Non destructive edits of images.
Manages the medium_edit_settings property for non destructive image editing.
Zotonic comes with a large collection controllers that cover many use cases, so you’ll probably have to resort to…
Welcome to Zotonic 0.62.0, released on July 7, 2021.
Exported APIs:
Welcome to Zotonic 0.61.0, released on June 7, 2021.
Not yet documented.
Sanitize a HTML code. Removes elements and attributes that might be dangerous, like <script> elements.
Sanitize an URL. Removes URLs that might be dangerous, like javascript: URLs.
Filter to derive a Table Of Contents from a HTML body.
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args initial_test [“test”,”initial_postback_test”] controller_template…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args microsoft_authorize [“oauth-service”,”authorize”,”microsoft”]…
Check with useauth if the authentication using the Microsoft identity platform is enabled and configured.
Adds logon using the Microsoft identity platform.
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args fileuploader [“fileuploader”,”upload”,name] controller_fileuploader []…
Model to start uploads, upload a block and delete uploads.
The fileuploader controller is used to upload parts of a file.
Upload files using a parallel web worker.
Welcome to Zotonic 0.60.0, released on February 15, 2021.
Welcome to Zotonic 0.59.0, released on December 18, 2020.
Model for checking if a site has version control enabled.
This module pulls updates of a site‘s code from a remote version control system. The supported version control systems…
This controller is used as a jumping stone after a log on from the /logon page. The p argument is passed from the…
Generates an absolute URL for the given dispatch information.
Generates the relative URL for the given dispatch information.
Welcome to Zotonic 0.58.0, released on November 2, 2020.
Zotonic is a modern and extensive content management system. It has its roots in systems before it and carries the…
Welcome to Zotonic 0.56.3, released on August 31, 2020.
Welcome to Zotonic 0.54.3, released on August 31, 2020.
Show a duration in hours, minutes and seconds.
Adds support for viewing and handling audio medium items.
Welcome to Zotonic 0.54.2, released on August 4, 2020.
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args oauth2_consumer_authorize [“oauth-service”,”authorize”,”zotonic”
Not yet documented.
A ticketing system for out of band MQTT posts via HTTP.
DomainKeys Identified Mail Signatures (RFC 6376) is a method to add a signature to outgoing emails. This enables…
Welcome to Zotonic 0.54.1, released on June 16, 2020.
Welcome to Zotonic 0.56.1, released on June 16, 2020.
Zotonic is a set of regular OTP applications. These can be found in the repository’s apps/ directory:
All the nitty gritty details when the big picture has settled.
Mocking module for access control during tests.
Welcome to the Zotonic User Guide. This guide is a non-technical introduction to Zotonic.
Not yet documented.
This model exposes some meta-information for the use in mod_admin templates.
Authorization checks to perform, in addition to the acl_action dispatch option, can be given in the acl dispatch option
An edge has been inserted. Note that the Context for this notification does not have the user who created the edge.
Authentication against some (external or internal) service was validated
Import WordPress .wxr files in your site.
Notification to translate or map a file after upload, before insertion into the database Used in mod_video to queue…
See if there is a ‘still’ image preview of a media item. (eg posterframe of a movie) Return:: {ok, ResourceId} or…
Put a value into the typed key/value store
Delete a value from the typed key/value store
Check and possibly modify the http response security headers All headers are in lowercase.
Add extra javascript with the {% script %} tag. (map) Used to let modules inject extra javascript depending on the…
A module has been stopped and deactivated.
Site configuration parameter was changed
Notify that the session’s language has been changed
Final try for dispatch, try to match the request. Called when the site is known, but no match is found for the path
Used in the admin to process a submitted resource form
An activity in Zotonic. When this is handled as a notification then return a list of patterns matching this activity.
Render the javascript for a custom action event type. The custom event type must be a tuple, for example: {% wire…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_translation [“admin”,”translation”] controller_admin [{acl_module
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args signup [“signup”] controller_signup [] signup_confirm [“signup”,”confirm”]…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_mailinglist [“admin”,”mailinglists”] controller_admin_mailinglist…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_development [“admin”,”development”] controller_admin [{template
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_custom_redirect [“admin”,”custom-redirect”] controller_admin…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_predicate [“admin”,”predicate”] controller_admin [{acl_module
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_config [“admin”,”config”] controller_admin_config [seo_noindex]…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args acl_rule_test [“acl”,”rules”,”test”] controller_template [{template
Notification that a medium file has been changed (notify) The id is the resource id, medium contains the medium’s…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args mqtt_transport [“mqtt-transport”] controller_mqtt_transport []…
Not yet documented.
Not yet documented.
The filestore uses two tables for its administration.
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_comments [“admin”,”comments”] controller_admin_comments [seo_noindex]…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args zotonic_sites_add [“zotonic”,”sites”,”add”] controller_zotonic_status…
An edge has been updated Note that the Context for this notification does not have the user who updated the edge.
User logs on. Add user-related properties to the logon request context.
Pivot just before a m_rsc_update update. Used to pivot fields before the pivot itself.
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args contact [“contact”] controller_page [{template,”contact.tpl”},{id
Not yet documented.
Internal message of mod_development. Start a stream with debug information to the user agent. ‘target’ is the id of the…
Not yet documented.
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args hello_world [“test”,”hello_world”] controller_hello_world []…
The mod_linkedin module plugs into the authentication systen to enable LinkedIn login on your site.
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args linkedin_authorize [“oauth-service”,”authorize”,”linkedin”]…
An edge has been deleted Note that the Context for this notification does not have the user who deleted the edge.
First to validate a password. Return {ok, RscId} or {error, Reason}.
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args facebook_authorize [“oauth-service”,”authorize”,”facebook”]…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args letsencrypt_challenge [“.well-known”,”acme-challenge”,token]…
Send a welcome or goodbye message to the given recipient. The recipient is either a recipient-id or a recipient props.
Not yet documented.
All the dispatch rules from all modules. For a background on dispatch rules, see The URL dispatch system.
dialog_predicate_new link unlink