This controller shows the mailing status of a resource. It lists each mailing list available in the system, and shows…
A controller for rendering preview thumbnails of any media embedded in a richtext-editor component of a resource on the…
Shows the list of Zotonic modules currently known to the system.
Shows the list of pages ( resources) which refer to this resource through an edge.
Shows a form with settings related to Search Engine Optimization.
controler_api processes authorized REST API requests: It provides an easy way to create API calls to allow computer…
This controller manages all authentication cookies. It is called by the auth model in the browser.
Serve an uploaded-, resized- or library file.
Redirect to the controller controller_file.
The fileuploader controller is used to upload parts of a file.
Simple controller that always serves the string Hello, World!
This controller is called for serving http error pages.
Handle different content representations of a page.
Controller which sets the language as given in the code argument, and redirects the user back to the page given in the…
Controller that logs off a user, destroying the session. It also removes any “remember me” cookies the user has, so…
This controller is used as a jumping stone after a log on from the /logon page. The p argument is passed from the…
Controller which downloads the given mailinglist id as a CSV file.
Controller for transport of MQTT data between the browser (client) and server.
Show a rsc as a HTML page.
Simple controller for connection tests, used on the /test/connection page.
Redirect to another url.
Controller which displays a form to sign up (rendered from signup.tpl ).
Controller which displays the confirmation page where the user can confirm his signup.
Serve a static page or pages.
Show a template.
This controller does a redirect to the website property of the given resource.
Set CORS headers on the HTTP response.
Support for custom client-side (JavaScript-based) validators.
Add custom pivot fields to a resource’s search index (map) Result is a single tuple or list of tuples {pivotname
Rotate through a list of values.
Validate input date against a given date format.
Formats a date or datetime according to the format specified in the argument.
Calculate the difference between two dates, returning a single part of that difference.
Show a date range.
add_hour add_day add_month add_week add_year date date_range datediff eq_day in_future in_past ne_day sub_hour sub_day…
Shows which variables are assigned for use in the current template’s scope:
Push some information to the debug page in the user-agent. Will be displayed with io_lib:format(“~p: ~p~n”, [What, Arg]…
Internal message of mod_development. Start a stream with debug information to the user agent. ‘target’ is the id of the…
Provide an alternative value in case a value has a falsy value (0, false , undefined or empty string).
Delete a media file from a resource, without confirmation.
Delete a resource, without confirmation.
Delete the username from a user, no confirmation.
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_development [“admin”,”development”] controller_admin [{template
Opens a dialog with a predefined HTML content and title.
Closes a dialog. When there is no dialog open then nothing happens.
Open a dialog that asks confirmation to delete a configuration key/value pair.
Open a dialog to edit a configuration key/value pair.
Open a dialog to create a new configuration key/value pair.
Open a dialog to confirm the deletion of a resource.
Open a dialog to confirm the deletion of the username of a user.
Open a dialog to duplicate the current resource with a new id and title.
Open a dialog to edit the “basic” information of a resource.
Shows the dialog to mail the current page ( resource) to a mailing list. This is used in the admin “mailing status”…
Shows the dialog to mail the current page ( resource) to a single e-mail address. This is used in the frontend of a…
Shows the admin dialog for uploading a media item. See Media.
Show the admin dialog for creating a new resource.
Renders a template on the server and opens a dialog with the HTML output of the template.
Show a dialog for creating a new predicate.
dialog dialog_open dialog_close overlay_open overlay_close
Show a dialog for setting a username / password on the given resource (which is usually a person).
Show a dialog for adding a user. This creates a person resource and adds a username / password to it.
Sets the “disabled” attribute of a HTML tag and adds the CSS class “disabled”.
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_comments [“admin”,”comments”] controller_admin_comments [seo_noindex]…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_category_sorter [“admin”,”category”] controller_admin_category_sorter…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args contact [“contact”] controller_page [{template,”contact.tpl”},{id
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_log [“admin”,”log”] controller_admin [{template,”admin_log.tpl”}
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_auth2fa_config [“admin”,”authentication-2fa”] controller_admin [{ssl
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_predicate [“admin”,”predicate”] controller_admin [{acl_module
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args acl_rule_test [“acl”,”rules”,”test”] controller_template [{template
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin [“admin”] controller_admin [seo_noindex] admin_overview_rsc [“admin”
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args oauth2_consumer_authorize [“oauth-service”,”authorize”,”zotonic”
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_statistics [“admin”,”statistics”] controller_admin_statistics []…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args letsencrypt_challenge [“.well-known”,”acme-challenge”,token]…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args signup [“signup”] controller_signup [] signup_confirm [“signup”,”confirm”]…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_l10n [“admin”,”localization”] controller_admin [{template,”admin_l10n.
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args sitemap_xml [“sitemap.xml”] controller_template [{template,”sitemap.tpl”}
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args microsoft_authorize [“oauth-service”,”authorize”,”microsoft”]…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_frontend_edit [“edit”] controller_page [{acl,is_auth},{template
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_filestore [“admin”,”filestore”] controller_admin [{template
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_config [“admin”,”config”] controller_admin_config [seo_noindex]…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_merge_rsc [“admin”,”merge”,id] controller_admin_edit [{template
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args fileuploader [“fileuploader”,”upload”,name] controller_fileuploader []…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args linkedin_authorize [“oauth-service”,”authorize”,”linkedin”]…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args logoff [“logoff”] controller_logoff [] logon [“logon”] controller_template…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_custom_redirect [“admin”,”custom-redirect”] controller_admin…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args facebook_authorize [“oauth-service”,”authorize”,”facebook”]…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args id [“id”,id] controller_id [] lib [“lib”,’*’] controller_file [{root
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_seo [“admin”,”seo”] controller_admin_seo [seo_noindex]…