Request to send a verification to the user. Return ok or an error. Handled by mod_signup to send out verification…
Notify that a user’s identity has been verified. Signals to modules handling identities to mark this identity as…
Show a block if the condition is true.
Selects an argument depending on a condition.
Not implemented, but exists in Zotonic for forward compatibility with future ErlyDTL and Django versions.
Show a block when two values are equal.
Show a block when two values are not equal.
Tests whether a value is undefined, returning the given argument.
Show a still image using an <img> element. The image will be automatically resized to the desired size and filters. For…
Generate a data: url of a still image.
Generate the url of a still image.
Find an import definition for a CSV file by checking the filename of the to be imported file.
import_csv_definition import_resource export_resource_content_disposition export_resource_content_type…
An external feed delivered a resource. First handler can import it. Return:: {ok, m_rsc:resource_id()} , {error
Include another template. The include tag is replaced with the contents of the included template file. You can give…
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the item in the given list.
Tests if a date is in the future.
Include the markup of an extended template into the extending template.
Adds recipient query string details to hyperlinks.
Tests if a date is in the past.
Render a JS-aided inplace textbox.
Prepends the argument in front of the value.
Insert the result of a render action after of an HTML element.
Insert the result of a render action before an HTML element.
Inserts HTML after the contents of an HTML element.
Inserts HTML before the contents of an HTML element.
Zotonic runs on Linux, Mac OS X and (not officially) on Windows.
Maps an IP address to a country using the MaxMind GeoIP2 database.
Maps an IP address to information about that country.
Filter a list of resource ids on category, or test if a single resource id belongs to a category.
Tests if a value is defined.
Test if an integer value is even:
Test if a hostname can be used for a Let’s Encrypt certificate.
Test if a value is a list:
is_not_a mirrors is_a. It is particularly useful when iterating over a category and excluding members of a sub-category…
Test if a value is a number (integer or floating point):
Check if the given language is a rtl or ltr language.
Test if the given URL is a url for the current site.
Tests if a value is undefined.
Filter a list of resource ids so that only the visible ids remain.
Adds javascript that will be run after jQuery has been initialized. In dynamic content it will run after the DOM has…
Joins the elements of a list. Joins the elements of the input list together, separated by the argument.
Trigger various jQuery effects on the target element. Mostly, each of these effects have their own action as a shortcut
Notify that the session’s language has been changed
Return the language the resource (or translated text) will be displayed in.
Try to detect the language of a translation. Set is_editable_only to false to detect any language, even if the language…
Return rtl or ltr depening on the direction of the language.
Sort a list of language codes or map with languages on their name. Return a list of {Code, LanguageProps} pairs.
Returns the last character or element.
Custom tag which adds a ‘loader’ image to the page and performs a one-time action when loader comes into view.
Returns the length of the value.
Check the length of a text input.
Combine css and javascript includes in a single request.
Translate ASCII newlines ( \n ) into HTML <br /> elements.
Add an edge between two resources. Used in the admin.
after before chunk exclude filter first flatten_value group_by index_of is_list join last length make_list member…
Live updating templates connected to MQTT topics.
Justifies the value in a field of a certain width to the left, with spaces.
Loads the given custom tags for use in the templates. Normally not needed, as custom tags are automatically loaded…
Escapes and formats a Javascript string with a stack trace to readable HTML.
This action logs off the current user and reloads the current page as the anonymous visitor.
Check for logon options, called if logon_submit returns undefined . This is used to fetch external (or local…
Check where to go after a user logs on.
Handle a user logon. The posted query args are included. Return:: {ok, UserId} or {error, Reason}
Inserts a piece of “lorem ipsum” text into the page.
Translates the value to lower case.
The m_acl model gives access the id of the currently logged in user, and provides a mechanism to do basic access…
Not yet documented.
Not yet documented.
This model exposes some meta-information for the use in mod_admin templates.
Not yet documented.
Not yet documented.
Not yet documented.
This model holds the admin menu, which is built up by calling each module to add items to the menu.
Add an editorial note to any resource.
Not yet documented.
dialog_mail_page dialog_mailing_page mailing_page_test mailinglist_confirm mailinglist_unsubscribe
inject_recipientdetails mailinglist_recipient_key_decode
Confirm a mailinglist subscription. Required argument is the confirm_key .
Send a page to a mailinglist (notify) Use {single_test_address, Email} when sending to a specific e-mail address.
Send a welcome or goodbye message to the given recipient. The recipient is either a recipient-id or a recipient props.
Used on the mailing list subscriptions page where users and recipients can unsubscribe from mailinglists.
Show the mailinglist subscription form to subscribe to a certain mailinglist id.
Cancel a mailing list subscription. The recipient id is given with the id argument.
Post a message to the test mailing list, given with the id argument.
Forces the value to a list.
Places a mask over an element, useful for blocking user interaction during lengthy postbacks.
Sets the progress bar of a mask.
Match a value with a regular expression.
Not yet documented.
Not yet documented.
Take the maximum of the filter value and its first argument.
Not yet documented.
Not yet documented.
This model can retrieve information about the resource category hierarchy in different ways.
Model to access the localStorage on the client (browser).