Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_comments [“admin”,”comments”] controller_admin_comments [seo_noindex]…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin [“admin”] controller_admin [seo_noindex] admin_overview_rsc [“admin”
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_seo [“admin”,”seo”] controller_admin_seo [seo_noindex]…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_predicate [“admin”,”predicate”] controller_admin [{acl_module
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args mqtt_transport [“mqtt-transport”] controller_mqtt_transport []…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args export_rsc [“export”,”rsc”] controller_export_resource [] export_rsc…
Try to find the site for the request Called when the request Host doesn’t match any active site.
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_mailinglist [“admin”,”mailinglists”] controller_admin_mailinglist…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_modules [“admin”,”modules”] controller_admin_module_manager…
content_types_dispatch dispatch dispatch_host dispatch_rewrite page_url url_abs url_rewrite
Rewrite a URL before it will be dispatched using the z_sites_dispatcher
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args initial_test [“test”,”initial_postback_test”] controller_template…
Dispatch rules Name Path Resource Args admin_translation [“admin”,”translation”] controller_admin [{acl_module
add_class animate buttonize effect fade_in fade_out hide insert_after insert_before insert_bottom insert_top…
Mark a html element as draggable.
Handle a new file received in the ‘files/dropbox’ folder of a site. Unhandled files are deleted after a hour.
Mark an element as valid drag destination.
An edge has been deleted Note that the Context for this notification does not have the user who deleted the edge.
An edge has been inserted. Note that the Context for this notification does not have the user who created the edge.
edge_delete edge_insert edge_update
An edge has been updated Note that the Context for this notification does not have the user who updated the edge.
editor_add editor_remove zlink zmedia zmedia_choose zmedia_has_chosen
Add WYSIWYG editor controls to all textarea’s with the z_editor class in the target.
Remove any WYSIWYG editor controls from all textarea’s with the z_editor class in the target.
Add a $(..).effect jQuery call to the target element.
Select an element from a tuple or list of tuples.
Check if the content of the input field is an e-mail address.
Add a handler for receiving e-mail notifications
Bounced e-mail notification. The recipient is the e-mail that is bouncing. When the the message_nr is unknown the it…
Return the options for the DKIM signature on outgoing emails. Called during email encoding.
Drop an e-mail handler for a user/resource id. (notify). The notification, user and resource should be the same as when…
Add a handler for receiving e-mail notifications
Notify that we could NOT send an e-mail (there might be a bounce later…) The Context is the depickled z_email:send/2…
Check if an email address is blocked
email_add_handler email_bounced email_dkim_options email_drop_handler email_ensure_handler email_failed…
Notification sent to a site when e-mail for that site is received
Add a handler for receiving e-mail notifications
Notify that we could NOT send an e-mail (there might be a bounce later…) The Context is the depickled z_email:send/2…
Email status notification, sent when the validity of an email recipient changes
Check if an entered e-mail address is unique, by looking in the m_identity table for the email key:
Fetch media ids that are embedded in the body , body_extra and text blocks of your page.
Resets the “disabled” attribute of a HTML tag and removes the CSS class “disabled”.
md5 sha1
Tests if the value is a date and equal to the argument. The value and the argument must be a tuple of the format {Y,M
HTML escape a text. Escapes all reserved HTML characters in the value. Escaped strings are safe to be displayed in a…
Ensures thant an HTML escaped value is properly escaped.
Escape the value according to the RFC2445 rules.
Escapes the value for insertion in JavaScript output.
Escapes the value for insertion in JSON output.
Convert any URLs in a plaintext into HTML links, with adding the rel="nofollow" attribute, and replaces all newlines…
Escape the value for insertion in xml output.
Bind actions to a jQuery event or submit a form.
postback trigger_event publish
Filters a list on the value of a property, either on absence or inequality.
mod_export - return the {ok, Disposition} for the content disposition.
mod_export -
mod_export - fetch a row for the export, can return a list of rows, a binary, and optionally a continuation state.
mod_export - Encode a single data element.
mod_export - return the {ok, Filename} for the content disposition.
mod_export - Fetch the footer for the export. Should cleanup the continuation state, if needed.
mod_export - Fetch the header for the export.
mod_export - Check if the resource or dispatch is visible for export.
Inherit markup from another template.
Show an element by animating the opacity.
Hide an element by animating the opacity.
This filter formats a numeric value as KB, MB etc. This filter can be used to display a number of bytes in a human…
Broadcast some file changed, used for livereload by mod_development
Filters a list on the value of a property, either on presence or equality.
Filter the contents of a block through variable filters.
Returns the first character or element.
Not implemented, but exists in Zotonic for forward compatibility with future ErlyDTL and Django versions.
Replaces ampersands in the value with “&” entities.
Flatten a list to a comma separated string.
Add a $(..).focus() jQuery call to the target element to give it input focus.
Loop over multiple values in a list or search result.
HTML escapes a text.
Regular expression test.
Format dispatch controller options.
Format dispatch path element so variables will be more visible.
Show a duration in hours, minutes and seconds.
Show an integer value.
Show an integer or float.
Show a price with decimals.
Resets the target form to its initial state.
disable enable event focus form_reset reset set_value submit typeselect validation_error
This section describes the location and contents of Zotonic’s global configuration files erlang.config and zotonic.
These variables are always available for rendering in templates.
Make charts with Google.
Calculate the gravatar code for an e-mail address:
Groups items of a list by a property.
Group a list of sorted resource ids on their first letter of the title or another rsc property. After grouping, it…
Similar to group_firstchar, but always uses the title column from the rsc table.
Show a message in the upper right corner of the browser window. The message will automatically disappear after some…
Hide an element without any animation.
Signal that the hierarchy underneath a resource has been changed by mod_menu
show_media striptags truncate_html sanitize_html sanitize_url urlize embedded_media without_embedded_media…
Access log event for http. Called from the z_stats.
Check if passwords are matching. Uses the password hashing algorithms.
Notify that a user’s identity has been updated by the identity model.