- all catinclude
Include a template for all a resource’s categories from all modules.
- all include
Call all modules to include a certain template.
- autoescape
Automatically apply HTML escaping to values.
- template block
Define a template block and overrules a template block from an inherited template.
- cache
Cache frequently used rendered template output for later reuse.
- call
Call an Erlang function.
- catinclude
Include another template based on the category of a resource. The include tag is replaced with the contents of the included template file. You can give…
- comment
Ignore part of a template.
- cycle
Rotate through a list of values.
- extends
Inherit markup from another template.
- filter
Filter the contents of a block through variable filters.
- firstof
Not implemented, but exists in Zotonic for forward compatibility with
future ErlyDTL and Django versions.
- for
Loop over multiple values in a list or search result.
- if
Show something if the condition is true.
- ifchanged
Not implemented, but exists in Zotonic for forward compatibility with
future ErlyDTL and Django versions.
- ifequal
Show something if two values are equal.
- ifnotequal
Show something if two values are not equal.
- image
Show a still image using an <img> element. The image will be automatically
resized to the desired size and filters. For video, use the media tag
- image_data_url
Generate a data: url of a still image.
- image_url
Generate the url of a still image.
- include
Include another template. The include tag is replaced with the contents of the included template file. You can give arguments to the included template, they…
- inherit
Include the markup of an extended template into the extending template.
- javascript
Adds javascript that will be run after jQuery has been initialized.
In dynamic content it will run after the DOM has been updated with the
template where the…
- lib
Combine css and javascript includes in a single request.
- load
Loads the given custom tags for use in the templates. Normally not
needed, as custom tags are automatically loaded through the module
- media
Show embed, video or audio media.
- now
Show the current date and time.
- overrules
Inherit markup from like named template in another module.
- print
Show the contents of a value expression.
- raw
Make a literal section which does not interpret tags.
- regroup
Not implemented tag, for forward compatibility with future ErlyDTL and
Django versions.
- spaceless
Removes whitespace between HTML tags.
- templatetag
Not implemented, but exists in Zotonic for forward compatibility with
future ErlyDTL and Django versions.
- translate
Translate a text value using gettext.
- trans (variable substitution)
Translate a text value using gettext and substitute variables.
- url
Generate the URL for a named dispatch rule. In this way it is possible to
automatically change the generated URLs when the dispatch rules are modified.
- with
Assign a complex value to a variable.
- button
Makes a button with an action attached.
- chart_pie
Show a pie chart.
- chart_pie3d
Show a pie chart with 3D effect.
- cotonic_pathname_search
- debug
Shows which variables are assigned for use in the current template’s
- draggable
Mark a html element as draggable.
- droppable
Mark an element as valid drag destination.
- google_chart
Make charts with Google.
- inplace_textbox
Render a JS-aided inplace textbox.
- lazy
Custom tag which adds a ‘loader’ image to the page and performs
a one-time action when loader comes into view.
- live
Live updating templates connected to MQTT topics.
- loremipsum
Inserts a piece of “lorem ipsum” text into the page.
- mailinglist_subscribe
Show the mailinglist subscription form to subscribe to a certain
mailinglist id.
- menu
Show a page menu.
- pager
Show a pager for search results.
- poll
Show a given survey (with the id parameter) as a “poll”. This
presents a simpler interface, in which the user is directly asked to
enter some information, e.g.
- script
This tag is the placeholder where all generated JavaScript scripts
will be output on the page.
- sortable
Mark an element as sortable.
- sorter
A sorter is a container for sortables.
- spinner
Add an AJAX activity indicator.
- tabs
Make a HTML element into a tab set.
- validate
The validator tag accepts the following arguments:
- wire
Connect actions and events to a HTML element.
- wire_args
Add extra arguments to wired actions.
- worker
Global template variables