
Show something if the condition is true.

The {% if %} tag evaluates an expression and if the result is true (boolean true, number unequal to zero, non empty string or a non empty list) then the contents of the if-tag are output.

If the if-test fails then the optional {% elif %} tags are evaluated. If both the if-test and all elif-tests fail, then the {% else %} tag contents are output.


{% if genre == "pop" %}
  Popular music.
{% elif genre == "classical" %}
  Classical music.
{% elif genre == "jazz" %}
{% else %}
  The genre isn't pop, classical or jazz.
{% endif %}

An {% if %} and {% elif %} tag can have an “and” or “or” expression as argument:

{% if person_list and show_persons and full_moon %}
  There are persons that we can show during full moon.
{% endif %}

Or for example:

{% if new_moon or daytime %} Guess you can’t see the moon. {% endif %}

It is also possible to mix “and” and ”or” in one expression, so this is a valid:

{% if full_moon or daytime and cloudy %}

The evaluation order is: and, xor, and then or. Left to right associative. So the above is equivalent to:

{% if full_moon or (daytime and cloudy) %}

The ”not” operator can be used to negate a boolean value:

{% if full_moon or daytime or not clearsky %}


The if is often combined with the with tag. For example:

{% with m.search[{latest cat=`news` pagelen=10}] as result %}
    {% if result %}
        <h3>{_ Latest news _}</h3>
          {% for id in result %}
            <li><a href="{{ id.page_url }}">{{ id.title }}</a></li>
          {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
{% endwith %}

To make this easier it is possible to combine the if and with tags in a single expression:

{% if m.search[{latest cat=`news` pagelen=10}] as result %}
    <h3>{_ Latest news _}</h3>
      {% for id in result %}
        <li><a href="{{ id.page_url }}">{{ id.title }}</a></li>
      {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

The as can also be used in the elif expressions:

{% if expression1 as x %}
{% elif expression2 as y %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

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for Tags ifchanged

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Return a breadcrumb navigation trail for the given id.


Tests if a value is undefined.


Selects an argument depending on a condition.


Tests if a value is defined.