
Templates are text files marked up using the Zotonic template language. Zotonic interprets that mark-up to dynamically generate HTML pages. Zotonic’s template syntax is very similar to the Django Template Language (DTL).


Variables are surrounded by {{ and }} (double braces):

Hello, I’m {{ first_name }} {{ last_name }}.

When rendering this template, you need to pass the variables to it. If you pass James for first_name and Bond for last_name, the template renders to:

Hello, I’m James Bond.

Instead of strings, variables can also be objects that contain attributes. To access the attributes, use dot notation:

{{ article.title }} was created by {{ article.author.last_name }}

The variables that you add to your templates get their values from three places:

To print the variables in your template for debugging, you can use the debug tag:

{% debug %}


Optionally, you can pipe template variables through filters. Filters transform the value before rendering it. To apply a filter, you append | plus the filter’s name to the variable:

{{ first_name|lower }} {{ last_name|upper }}


james BOND

There’s a reference of built-in filters. If you need to, you can also create your own filters.


With tags, you can add logic and flexibility to your templates. Tags are surrounded by {% and %}, like this:

{% tag %}

Some tags have arguments:

{% tagname id width=200 height=200 crop %}

And some tags are block tags, which require both an opening and a closing tag. The name of the closing tag is always end plus the name of the opening tag:

{% if article.is_published %}
    There you go:: {{ article.title }}
{% else %}
    Sorry, the article hasn’t been published yet!
{% endif %}

See also the reference all tags. You can also create your own tags.


A template model provides data to templates through the syntax: m.modelname.property. For example:

{# Get the site's title #}
{{ m.site.title }}

{# Fetch the title of the page with name page_home #}
{{ m.rsc.page_home.title }}

{# Fetch the title of the page whose id is the integer 1 #}
{{ m.rsc[1].title }}

{# Perform a search on all persons #}
{% for p in m.search[{query cat='person'}] %}{{ p.title }}{% endfor %}

{# Fetch the title of the page whose id is the template variable id #}
{{ m.rsc[id].title }}

You’ll find that you need m.rsc[id] the most, so there’s a recommended shortcut for that:

{{ id.title }}

See the reference for a list of all models. You can also add your own models.

Template names

All templates are stored in the priv/templates/ directory of sites and modules. They have the extension .tpl. Templates are referred to by their filename, including their subdirectory name within priv/templates/ (if any). So if you have these two templates:

  • modules/mod_example/priv/templates/foobar.tpl
  • modules/mod_example/priv/templates/email/email_base.tpl

you refer to them as:

  • foobar.tpl
  • email/email_base.tpl

The module name itself (mod_example) is never part of the template name, because all templates are grouped together. This allows you to override Zotonic’s templates.

Overriding templates

If you want to override a template, you create a template with the same name in your site (or module). So what if the email/email_base.tpl template from mod_example mentioned above is not to your liking? Just create a email/email_base.tpl file in your own site: sites/yoursite/priv/templates/email/email_base.tpl.

So if multiple templates can have the same name, how does Zotonic know which template to render: the one from mod_example or the one from yoursite? This depends on the module priority. Usually sites have a higher priority than modules, so yoursite wins and can serve its template.

If you want to add your template instead of overriding, you can use the all include and all catinclude tags.

Page templates

Most of your templates will be page templates. When showing a page, Zotonic’s page controller looks up the appropriate template in order of specificity and renders the first template it finds (assuming the name of the page page_name):

  1. page.name.page_name.tpl (unique name)
  2. page.category.tpl (category)
  3. page.tpl (fallback)

So if you have a page in the category ‘article’ (which is a sub-category of ‘text’) and that page has a unique name ‘my_text_page’, Zotonic will look for the following templates:

  1. page.name.my_text_page.tpl (unique name)
  2. page.article.tpl (category)
  3. page.text.tpl (category)
  4. page.tpl (fallback)

The same lookup mechanism is used for the catinclude tag.

Template structure

Now you know how Zotonic decides which template to render for a page, let’s go into how you can render templates yourself. Usually, you spread template logic for a page over multiple template files. This allows you to re-use these files in other templates.

Including templates

You can include other templates using the include tag:

This is the main template. To include another template:

{% include "other-template.tpl" %}

Zotonic will replace the include tag with the output of other-template.tpl.

Variants of the include tag are catinclude, all include and all catinclude: following the lookup mechanism described above, Zotonic will find the best template based on the page and module priority.


To improve template re-use, it is common to inherit from a base template. A simple base template might look like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Zotonic{% block title %}{% endblock %}</title>

        {% block content %}This is default content{% endblock %}

You can then extend multiple templates from this single base template using the extends tag. The base template contains block tags that can be overridden in child templates:

{% extends "base.tpl %}

{% block title %}This is the page title{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
    This will override the content block from base.tpl
{% endblock %}

Using the inherit and overrules tags, you adapt the inheritance to your needs.

Resources Developer Guide CSS classes used in templates

Referred by


With tags you add logic and flexibility to your templates.


Modules are the building blocks of Zotonic. They add functionality to your Zotonic website such as:

Access control

Access control is about defining who is allowed to access certain resources. It takes two steps:


Filters transform template variables before they are rendered.

Create a custom filter

Create custom template filters to change the way variables are rendered in your templates. By following some simple…

Global template variables

These variables are always available for rendering in templates.

Overriding Zotonic

This chapter describes how to override the templates, styling and logic provided by Zotonic.


Zotonic has the capability of serving more than one site at a time. You can have multiple sites enabled, each with its…


Template models provide data to templates.

E-mail handling

Any Zotonic system is capable of sending and receiving e-mail messages over SMTP.