Simple read-only interface to the typed key-value store of mod_tkvstore. To get a value from the store: use m.tkvstore.type.key, like this:
{% print m.tkvstore.keytype.examplekey %}
When the key is not a literal value but a variable or a number, use the following notation:
{% print m.tkvstore.keytype[keyvar] %}
To store data in a key, use m_tkvstore:put/4
, as follows:
m_tkvstore:put(KeyType, KeyVar, Value, Context).
For instance, from within Erlang, let’s store edge data for a given edge id, 3434:
Edgeid = 3434,
Value = <<"Hello">>,
m_tkvstore:put(edge_data, EdgeId, Value, Context).
Now, to retrieve it in the template, do the following:
{{ m.tkvstore.edge_data[3434] }}
This will output the string Hello
Note that the value can be any type: not only a simple string but also a list, tuple, or any other Erlang composite type.