
Retrieve information about predicates. Predicates are the labels on edges (connections between resources) that give meaning to an edge. An example is the predicate “author” which refers to the authors of an article. Predicates form together with the referring and the referred page a triple {subject, predicate, object}.

Each predicate has a list of valid subject categories and valid object categories. This is used to filter the list of predicates in the admin edit page, and also to filter the list of found potential objects when making a connection.

A full predicate definition can be fetched by name or id with:

{{ m.predicate.author }}
{{ m.predicate[104] }}

Which both return a property list with information about the predicate. The property list contains all page properties and the properties: “pred” which is the atomic predicate name, “subject” which is a list of valid subject categories and “object” with is a list of valid object categories.

The following m_predicate model properties are available in templates:

Property Description Example value
all Return a property list of all predicates. Keys are the atomic predicate name, values are property lists with information about the predicate. The property list contains all page properties and the properties: “pred” which is the atomic predicate name, “subject” which is a list of valid subject categories and “object” with is a list of valid object categories. [{about, [{pred,,about},{subject,[104]}, {object,[]}, {id,300}, ]
object_category Used to derive the list of valid object categories for a predicate. Example usage: m.predicate.object_category.author Note: Each id is a 1-tuple. [{104}, ]
subject_category Used to derive the list of valid subject categories for a predicate. Example usage: m.predicate.subject_category.author Note: Each id is a 1-tuple. [{674}, ]

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