
A validator to check whether a password conforms to the password secutiry requirements.

It can be attached to a password entry field used to set a new password:

<input type="password" id="password" name="password" autocomplete="new-password" value="">
{% validate id="password"

The password will be sent to the server when the user leaves the password field.

The server will then check for:

  • minimum password length, as configured in mod_authentication.password_min_length (defaults to 8)
  • matching a regular expression with criteria, as configured in mod_authentication.password_min_length
  • check if the password does not appear in a leak, unless mod_authentication.password_disable_leak_check is set (this uses the service at Have I Been Pwned)

You can pass a failure_message:

<input type="password" id="password" name="password" autocomplete="new-password" value="">
{% validate id="password"
                failure_message=_"Your new password it too short or not strong enough"

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