- auth_confirm
Confirm a user id.
- auth_reset
First to check for password reset forms, return undefined, ok, or {error, Reason}.
- auth_options_update
Update the given (accumulator) authentication options with the request options.
Note that the request options are from the client and are unsafe.
- auth_precheck
First for logon of user with username, check for ratelimit, blocks etc.
- auth_postcheck
First for logon of user with username, called after successful password check.
- auth_logoff
User is about to log off. Modify (if needed) the logoff request context.
- auth_checked
Notify after logon of user with username, communicates valid or invalid password
- auth_confirm_done
A user id has been confirmed.
- auth_validate
First to validate a password. Return {ok, RscId} or {error, Reason}.
- auth_logon
User logs on. Add user-related properties to the logon request context.
- auth_validated
Authentication against some (external or internal) service was validated
- auth_client_logon_user
Send a request to the client to login a user. The zotonic.auth.worker.js will
send a request to controller_authentication to exchange the one time token with
- auth_client_switch_user
Send a request to the client to switch users. The zotonic.auth.worker.js will
send a request to controller_authentication to perform the switch.
- auth_identity_types
Return the list of identity types that allow somebody to logon and become an
active user of the system. Defaults to [ username_pw ]. In the future more types…
ACL notifications
Dispatch notifications
Referred by
Access control
Access control is about defining who is allowed to access certain resources.
It takes two steps: