Port configurations

Port configurations can be tricky, especially in combination with SSL. Here we explain all steps to come to a correctly configured installation with working SSL connectivity.

There are basically two sets of port configurations:

  1. The ports Zotonic listens on
  2. The ports an outside visitor connects to

The listen ports are configured with listen_port and ssl_listen_port.

The outside ports are configured with port and ssl_port. They default to the listen_ variations if not defined.

Below are examples how to configure these.

Server direct on the Internet

Here you can use the methods described in Running on Port 80 and Port 443 to get your server on ports 80 and/or 443.

The port configurations would be:

Method listen_port ssl_listen_port port ssl_port listen_ip proxy_allowlist
authbind 80 443 80 443 any none
setcap 80 443 80 443 any none
iptables 8000 8443 80 443 none
http only 8000 none 80 none none

For Network Address Translation (NAT), see the next section. The proxy_allowlist is explained in the section about proxies below.

In the case of iptables we restrict Zotonic to listen on the local address. This to prevent that people can connect on port 8000 from their browsers.

Alternatively you can run your server on the outside port 8000, though then it is impossible to use Let’s Encrypt certificates for SSL (as they require the server to run on the default http and https ports).

Server accessed via NAT

With Network Address Translation (NAT) the traffic is routed straight to the server using port mappings. This is typical for a situation where Zotonic runs on a local server behind a modem.

Proxy method listen_port ssl_listen_port port ssl_port listen_ip proxy_allowlist
NAT (eg. modem) 8000 8443 80 443 any none

The proxy_allowlist is explained in the section about proxies below.

Server behind a proxy like Nginx or HAProxy

A proxy could be haproxy or nginx. The proxy terminates the https connection and handles the SSL certificates.

Typically the proxy connects to the default ports 8000 and 8443 on the Zotonic server. The proxy itself could be running on the local server or another server.

Proxy method listen_port ssl_listen_port port ssl_port listen_ip proxy_allowlist
localhost proxy 8000 none 80 443 local
proxy on LAN 8000 none 80 443 any local
proxy on WAN 8000 none 80 443 any see below

The proxy adds the hostname, address of the visitor and protocol information (http or https) to a HTTP header. Zotonic reads this header to know which site to serve and if the visitor was using https or not.

Everybody could add this header and then connect directly to the Zotonic server, which can then make wrong assumptions about the IP address of the visitor and if the visitor is on a secure connection.

To prevent the visitor spoofing the Forward header, Zotonic will check if the inside address of the proxy (as seen from Zotonic, not from the visitor) is on a list of allowed proxies.

This allowlist is specified in proxy_allowlist and can have the following values:

  • local - default, only LAN addresses can connect
  • none - no proxy exists, ignore proxy headers
  • any - insecure, any server anywhere can be a proxy
  • A tuple with a single ip address, for example: {192,168,1,1}
  • A string with ip addresses with optional masks, for example: ",,fe80::/10"

The local check is hardcoded and very fast.

SSL certificates

After the server’s listen ports are correctly configured then the SSL connection can be tested.

Per default Zotonic will generate a self-signed certificate for all valid hostnames. Instead of these self-signed certificates a real certificate can be used. Check for these the modules mod_ssl_letsencrypt and mod_ssl_ca

The self-signed certificates are stored in the self-signed subdirectory of the security directory.

You can see the security_dir location using bin/zotonic config

Possible locations are:

  • The environment variable ZOTONIC_SECURITY_DIR
  • The ~/.zotonic/security directory
  • The /etc/zotonic/security directory (only on Linux)
  • The OS specific directory for application data files

The OS specific directories are:

  • On Unix: ~/.config/zotonic/security/
  • On macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/zotonic/security/

The default is the OS specific directory.

HTTPS and security

Zotonic always redirects all incoming HTTP connections to HTTPS. This can not be disabled.

Secure cookies

All cookies related to authentication are set to secure. The cookie holding the authentication token has SameSite set to Strict. This can not be configured or changed.

Erlang SSL Configuration

The erlang ssl application is configured in the erlang.config file. It is stored next to the zotonic.config file. You can see the config files used with:

bin/zotonic configfiles

If this file is missing then it can be copied from apps/zotonic_launcher/priv/erlang.config.in. It contains a couple of important settings which we recommend you to change. The reason for this is that the default settings Erlang uses are unsuitable for web servers. The most important settings are listed below.

Sets the maximum lifetime of session data in seconds.
Sets the maximum number of client sessions cached by the server.

For more information on configuration options, please see Erlang SSL App.

Adding your own SSL options or certificates

If you want to implement your own certificate handling you have to add a notification observer which returns the certificates to the underlying HTTPS server. This can be needed if you have a site with special hostname aliases, or if you want to implement automated certificate handling for a specific certificate authority.

The notification use by the SNI (Server Name Indication) handler is:

Return the certificate, key or other ssl options. ServerName is a string (list) with the name of the server from the SSL handshake. You shoudl return a proplist with Erlang ssl:ssl_option() terms. The proplist will override the default ssl options for this connection. For more information about the possible properties see Erlang SSL. If undefined is returned the SSL handshake will try the next SSL module. If all modules return undefined then a self-signed certificate will be used.

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Site configuration Configuration

Referred by

Useful environment variables

The following environment variables influence how Zotonic starts up.

Site configuration

This chapter describes the configuration options for your sites. There’s also global configuration.

Upgrade notes

These notes list the most important changes between Zotonic versions. Please read these notes carefully when upgrading…

HTTPS support

Zotonic has built-in support for HTTPS and TLS (previously SSL) certificate handling.


Request certificates from Let’s Encrypt.