Useful environment variables

The following environment variables influence how Zotonic starts up.

The IPv4 address to bind the web server to. By default, it binds to any IP address. If Zotonic runs behind a proxy like nginx or Varnish, it is wise to put or localhost here. Use any to bind to all IPv4 addresses, none to disable the IPv4 web server.
The IPv6 address to bind the web server to. By default it binds to the ZOTONIC_IP address. If Zotonic runs behind a proxy like nginx or Varnish, it is wise to put ::1` here. Use any to bind to all IPv6 addresses, none to disable the IPv6 web server.
Outside port that clients send HTTP requests to. Defaults to ZOTONIC_LISTEN_PORT. See Port configurations.
Outside port that clients send HTTPS requests to. Defaults to ZOTONIC_SSL_LISTEN_PORT. Use none to disable the ssl web server. See Port configurations.
Port on which Zotonic will listen for HTTP requests. Defaults to port 8000. See Port configurations.
Port on which Zotonic will listen for HTTPS requests. See Port configurations.
The IPv4 address to bind the SMTP server to. Binds to any IP address by default. Use none to disable the SMTP server. Use any to bind to all IP addresses.
The port number to bind the SMTP server to. Defaults to port 2525. Use none to disable the SMTP server.
The domain to bind the SMTP server to, if any.

The directory with the configuration files. Possible locations are:

  • The init argument zotonic_config_dir
  • The environment variable ZOTONIC_CONFIG_DIR
  • The directory $HOME/.zotonic
  • The directory /etc/zotonic (only on Unix)
  • The OS specific directory for application config files

The OS specific directories are:

  • On Unix: ~/.config/zotonic/config/
  • On macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/zotonic/config/

In those directories the system searches for a zotonic* file in the following subdirectories (assuming the version of Zotonic is 1.2.3 and the node is called zotonic001@foobar):

  • zotonic001@foobar/
  • zotonic001/
  • 1.2.3
  • 1.2
  • 1
  • .

The default is the OS specific directory, with as subdirectory the major version number of Zotonic (in this case 1). For Linux this would be ~/.config/zotonic/config/1/


The directory to store the certificates and other security related data. Possible locations are:

  • The environment variable ZOTONIC_SECURITY_DIR
  • The ~/.zotonic/security directory
  • The /etc/zotonic/security directory (only on Linux)
  • The OS specific directory for application data files

The OS specific directories are:

  • On Unix: ~/.config/zotonic/security/
  • On macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/zotonic/security/

The default is the OS specific directory.


The directory to store the data files. Possible locations are:

  • The environment variable ZOTONIC_DATA_DIR
  • The data directory in the Zotonic directory
  • The OS specific directory for application data files

The OS specific directories are:

  • On Unix: ~/.local/share/zotonic
  • On macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/zotonic/

The default is the OS specific directory.


The directory to store the log files. Possible locations are:

  • The environment variable ZOTONIC_LOG_DIR
  • The logs directory in the Zotonic directory
  • The OS specific directory for application log files

The OS specific directories are:

  • On Unix: ~/.cache/zotonic/log/
  • On macOS: ~/Library/Logs/zotonic/

The default is the OS specific directory.


The directory used for sites, modules and additional OTP applications. This defaults to apps_user in the Zotonic umbrella application.

If a separate checkouts directory is used, then this environment variable must be:

  • Defined when building Zotonic with make compile or ./rebar3 compile
  • Defined when starting Zotonic

Path to zotonic PID file. If set, Zotonic will create it at start and remove it before exit. Note however that Erlang VM is not stopped at this moment and can last for several seconds. See ZOTONIC_WAIT_VM to get rid of this.
The short name of the Zotonic Erlang node. This defaults to zotonic. If a short name is defined then the Erlang node is started with -sname. The name can be like zotonic@foobar, but the part after the @ may not have a dot (.), as then it is a long name.
The long name of the Zotonic Erlang node. This defaults to zotonic. If a long name is defined then the Erlang node is started with -name. The name can have the domain defined, for example: The part after the @ must be a fully qualified domain name. Zotonic will use the OS’s domain name if no domain is defined in the LNAME.
Where Zotonic puts temporary files. Examples are temporary files for image resizing or URL downloading.
Maximum of processes in Erlang, defaults to 500000.
Maximum number of atoms in Erlang, defaults to 1048576.
Maximum number of ports for the Erlang VM, defaults to the output of ulimit -n If ulimit returns unlimited then 100000 is used.
How the kernel polls for i/o. Defaults to true. Valid values are true and false.

The following environment variables influence how Zotonic stops.

If set to 1, ask launcher script to wait for total stop of Zotonic Erlang VM before exit. This can be used to ensure all resources are freed before trying a new start.

Proxying Zotonic with nginx Deployment

Referred by


Action An action is functionality that can be attached to a HTML element or event. Actions are wired to an element or…

Upgrade notes

These notes list the most important changes between Zotonic versions. Please read these notes carefully when upgrading…

Automatic startup on system boot

Once you have Zotonic running, you want to make sure that it automatically starts up when the server reboots, so that…


The zotonic command runs a number of utility commands which all operate on a Zotonic instance.

Directory structure

Zotonic is a set of regular OTP applications. These can be found in the repository’s apps/ directory: