Template Best Practices and Pitfalls

This chapter lists some preferred solutions to common tasks and pitfalls you may encounter while developing with templates.

Variable Naming

Name your variables for what they represent. If you are searching for articles, name the search result variable article to make things clear.

In particular, if you are iterating over a list or other iterable variable called images, then your item variable should be named image. This makes generative templates easier to follow.

Use id instead of m.rsc

For the most frequently used model m_rsc, use a shortcut syntax: write {{ id.title }} instead of {{ m.rsc[id].title }}. So this:

  <h3>{{ m.rsc[id].title }}</h3>
  {% for image_id in m.rsc[id].o.depiction %}
      {% media image_id width=100 link=id %}
      {% if m.rsc[image_id].summary %}
          <p class="image-caption">{{ m.rsc[image_id].summary }}</p>
      {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}


    <h3>{{ id.title }}</h3>
    {% for image_id in id.o.depiction %}
      {% media image_id width=100 link=id %}
      {% if image_id.summary %}
          <p class="image-caption">{{ image_id.summary }}</p>
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}


Using ‘m’ as a template variable blocks model access

Avoid using the name m for a variable. It has a special meaning in templates for accessing models like m_site and m_rsc as m.site and m.rsc. Effectively. all Erlang modules with names starting with m_ are made available in templates through the m variable.

It is particularly important since using m as a variable name will disable model module access for the entire scope within which that variable is defined. This can lead to very confusing template errors.

Using ‘id’ as a template variable blocks access to the current page

When rendering a page through controller_page, Zotonic sets the id variable based on the resource (page) being rendered. It is also conventionally used by dispatch rules to supply the id of the page to render.

Note, however, that there are legitmate cases for using id as a template variable. It is a good idea to reuse another template to render a section for one page and treating related content as the “current page” for that template by assigning id in a for loop or with context. Using id otherwise will likely confuse other developers trying to read your templates.

Media Best Practices Best Practices

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Templates are text files marked up using the Zotonic template language. Zotonic interprets that mark-up to dynamically…