- Security, templates and XSS prevention
Ensuring that you don't fall victim to cross site scripting and other injection attacks takes vigilance, eye for details and especially some good naming habits.
- Implementing a simple contact form
This tutorial teaches you to create a form, validate it, submit it
over Ajax and e-mail the results back to you.
- How to add a custom page block
Zotonic comes with a number of standard page blocks: Header, Text and Embed page. Additional page blocks are provided by modules, for example mod_survey uses…
- Updating form field from a dialog
Ever wanted to update a form field from a dialog, possibly giving the
user some list to choose from? Here’s how to do it.
- Enabling Growl Notifications
Using growl outside admin requires some magic to make it work.
- Page-specific dynamic backgrounds
Use edges ( page connections ) to associate backgrounds with pages.
- Retrieving the category of a page
Getting the category from a URL is somewhat involved, but not
impossible. This is an example of what you can do with filters.
- Share variable binding across blocks
How to avoid having to call the same query inside several blocks of the same page
- Customizing the sign up and sign in form
You want to change parts of the form, or change its appearance.
- Managing redirection after login and signup
Configure mod_signup to redirect to something other than a member’s home page.
- Displaying a site map
For the benefit of search engines and fans of tables of contents you
can easily provide a site map.
- Site-specific signup actions
Performing additional, project-specific actions when a user signs up
- Dynamic select options using a wired template
Suppose you want to wire a change event for a select box to update a
another select box, i.e. you want to wire the action to
use the selected value when…
Admin cookbook
Just enough…