Activate/deactivate modules

Rescuing a dysfunctional site from the Zotonic shell.


Sometimes it happens that disabled or enabled a module by accident and your whole site is now dysfunctional. You can easily rescue your site, from the Erlang command line.


First launch the Zotonic EShell:

~/zotonic/bin/zotonic shell

On the Zotonic EShell: Deactivate a module:

z_module_manager:deactivate(mod_modulename, z:c(yoursitename)).

On the Zotonic EShell: Activate a module:

z_module_manager:activate(mod_modulename, z:c(yoursitename)).

On the Zotonic EShell: Restart a module:

z_module_manager:restart(mod_modulename, z:c(yoursitename)).

Where mod_modulename is the name of your module and yoursitename is the name of your site.

Check Your Hostname

If you can’t launch the shell chances are that your hostname is not a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN). This complicates things since Erlang is picky about allowing connections to unqualified nodes. For example, the hostname should be rather than something random and local like coolserver.