Made with Zotonic


Zuiderzeecollectie is an initiative of the Zuiderzee Collection Network; a partnership of 24 institutions around the IJsselmeer. A number of these institutions are working on the presentation of a joint collection on The objects are enriched with information from external sources such as the cultural-historical thesaurus for terms and links to articles on Wikipedia, RKD artists for artist information and geonames for location information. In addition, full-text resources are offered in the form of hyperlinks and PDF documents.

More made with Zotonic is a digital platform for research, knowledge, and innovation about Amsterdam and the metropolitan area. The goal of the platform is to share knowledge, to show relations…

Namen en Nummers NL

Namen en Nummers NL
During the Second World War, 104,000 people did not survive the Holocaust because they were persecuted as Jews. With Namen en Nummers NL we want to show what that number really stands for.

Distance Disco

Distance Disco
Distance Disco is a digital matchmaking dance party: find the person dancing to your song!


On CollectionGelderland you will find a total of almost 500,000 objects from museums, archives, libraries, castles, historical associations and other (heritage) organizations from Gelderland. Just…