Made with Zotonic

Women Help Women: abortion and contraceptives

Women Help Women: abortion and contraceptives

Women Help Women: connecting the personal experience of swallowing a pill to global political activism

More made with Zotonic

Namen en Nummers NL

Namen en Nummers NL
During the Second World War, 104,000 people did not survive the Holocaust because they were persecuted as Jews. With Namen en Nummers NL we want to show what that number really stands for.


On CollectionGelderland you will find a total of almost 500,000 objects from museums, archives, libraries, castles, historical associations and other (heritage) organizations from Gelderland. Just…

Holland Open Air Museum

Holland Open Air Museum
The Holland Open Air Museum (Nederlands Openluchtmuseum) covers an area of around 44 hectares and is full of all kinds of authentic, unusual buildings. Each of these has its own fascinating history…

Women on Waves: Campaigns and information about safe abortion pills

Women on Waves: Campaigns and information about safe abortion pills
Women on Waves aims to prevent unsafe abortions and empower women to exercise their human rights to physical and mental autonomy. Women on Waves trusts that women can do a medical abortion themselves…