

Zotonic won’t start and shows errors when running zotonic debug

Check your site’s database configuration.

Check PostgreSQL Authentication Config (pg_hba.conf in /etc/postgresql).

If you get connection failures when starting Zotonic you should double-check pg_hba.conf and make sure to /etc/init.d/postgresql reload to make sure it gets loaded.

The pg_hba.conf should contain something like:

# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5

Unable to read boot script

In some cases the Zotonic nodename does not resolve well and you see an error like:

[error] Unable to read boot script (start_sasl.script): {error,enoent}


erl_call: can't ei_gethostbyname(MacBook-Pro-Apple)
Zotonic is not running. You need to start Zotonic first to use this command.

Solution: Add the computer name to /etc/hosts, for instance: MacBook-Pro-Apple

Erlang crashes

Here we list some common causes of Erlang crashes.

{{badmatch,{error,emfile}} or {reason, emfile}

You need to raise the File descriptors limit.


Site doesn’t start

Check your database connection configuration in the zotonic_site.config file which is located in the zotonic user directory. This can be found in yoursite/priv/zotonic_site.config. The priv directory should also be soft linked in the _build directory: _build/default/lib/yoursite/priv/zotonic_site.config

Browsers can’t connect to http://yoursite.test:8000

Check the /etc/hosts file and make sure you have an entry like the following:   yoursite.test

Browsers give self-signed certificate warning

If you connect to https://yoursite.test:8443 the browser warns that the site is not trusted. This is correct, as the certificate is self-signed.

You can connect if you accept the certificate. For Safari and Firefox just follow the instructions shown to you by the browser.

For Chrome you have to do something silly:

  • Click anywhere in the white on the window
  • Type: thisisunsafe

You won‘t see any characters echo to the screen. After typing the magic strings the page should reload and the site certificate is accepted.

Deployment Developer Guide Contributing to Zotonic

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Getting Started

You have three options for running Zotonic: to get started quickly, start our Zotonic container. You can also use Nix…


Zotonic has the capability of serving more than one site at a time. You can have multiple sites enabled, each with its…