- filesizeformat
This filter formats a numeric value as KB, MB etc. This filter can be
used to display a number of bytes in a human readable format of kilo-
or megabytes.
- format_duration
Show a duration in hours, minutes and seconds.
- format_integer
Show an integer value.
- format_number
Show an integer or float.
- format_price
Show a price with decimals.
- is_even
Test if an integer value is even:
- is_number
Test if a value is a number (integer or floating point):
- max
Take the maximum of the filter value and its first argument.
- min
Take the minimum of the filter value and its first argument.
- minmax
Force the given value in the given range.
- rand
Generates a random number. The number is from, and including, 1 up
to, and including, the input value.
- round
Round a floating point value to the nearest integer.
- round_significant
Round a number value to a number of significant digits.
The significance defaults to two digits.
- to_integer
Convert the input to an integer value.
Regular Expressions