
Show a date range.

Filter to simplify displaying datetime ranges. When displaying a datetime range, the display of the dates and times often depends if the date parts of the datetimes are equal or not.

Take the following code:

{{ [fromdate, todate]|date_range:[format_ne, sep, format_eq] }}

If the dates of fromdate and todate are equal then the output will be as if the following were written:

{{ fromdate|date:format_ne }}{{ sep }}{{ todate|date:format_eq }}

However, if the dates are not equal then the output will be as if the following were written:

{{ fromdate|date:format_ne }}{{ sep }}{{ todate|date:format_ne }}


Dates in Zotonic are stored in UTC. If a date is displayed then it is converted to the timezone of the current request context. This timezone can be one of the following, in order of preference:

  • Preferred timezone set by the user
  • Timezone of the user-agent
  • Default timezone of the site
  • Default timezone of the Zotonic server
  • UTC

A specific timezone can be enforced by adding a third parameter to the date_range-filter. For example, to display a date range in UTC:

{{ [fromdate, todate]|date_range:[format_ne, sep, format_eq]:"UTC" }}

Instead of the timezone, the following arguments are also accepted:

  • true set the timezone to UTC
  • false leave the timezone as is
  • undefined leave the timezone as is
  • a resource id (integer), set the timezone according to the tz property of the resource

Edit on GitHub

date Dates datediff

Referred by


Filters transform template variables before they are rendered.